"Oh I am ok, I don't need any water." "I will get something to drink when I am done with my workout"
Are you that person with one of these excuses? Have you ever said one of these things when asked why you don't have water with you for your cycling class??? I have seen this time and time again. The big question is why do some people feel they don't need water during their workouts?
We might want to start out with why is water important? It's the most important nutrient your body needs. It's the main component of your blood, eliminates waste, regulates body temperature, aids in digestion, lubricates joints.
A 1 Liter loss (1.4% of bodyweight) of water during exercise can cause the heart to have to beat 8 extra beats faster, cardiac output declines by 1 liter per minute and core body temp increases faster. A 2 liter loss (3% of body weight) of water causes a 10% loss of contractile strength, 8% loss of speed, lack of concentration and difficulty breathing. All of these factors will greatly decrease you performance and further your weight loss or performance goals.
So now you see why water is extremely important during your workouts and you should be hydrating prior to, during and after exercise. Here is a good practice, weigh yourself before working out and then weigh yourself after your workout. For every pound of water weight lost you need to replace it with 16-24 ounces of water.
We never Ryde without water and have been known to come with 2 water bottles and drink them both during a hard ride or workout. Not to mention how in the world can anyone do a hard workout and not desperately want some water!
So when you get to studio……fill up at our Hydration Station, free Quench filtered water, just bring the bottle!
with help from velocity cycling