Vary the intensity: When you start out, it is best to begin with a low-intensity workout. However, as you build your endurance, you should up the intensity of your workout. You will see better results, especially in terms of weight loss with varying from moderate to high intensity aerobic workouts.
Vary your workout length: You don’t need to work out in 60 minutes (Standard Class) chunks every time. Occasionally it is beneficial to vary the length of your work out at a higher intensity 30 minutes (Xpress Class) or at lower intensities for 90 minutes (combine Standard and Xpress Class).
Stay hydrated: Make sure you are getting plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking a great deal just before you exercise is not the best option, since it can take two hours for your body to absorb the water. You can take sips throughout your workout, though. But your best bet is to get in the habit of drinking water throughout the day.
Don’t neglect the protein: Many people forget the importance of protein. If you are working out, you need to have the amino acids that provide building blocks for muscles. While you don’t need to eat a ton of protein, you should make sure you are getting some from lean sources, like legumes, fish and chicken. You can also get protein from shakes.
Eat carbs: If you want the energy to do workouts that are more effective, you need carbs. This doesn’t mean that your workout will be enhanced by a bunch of sugar, though. Good nutrition from carbs means focusing on fruits and vegetables and whole grains for most of your carb sources. If you drink a protein shake, add a banana, which is a great source of healthy carbs.